Dmytro Kravchenko

Dmytro Kravchenko

Informations personnelles

Âge : 47
Anniversaire : 22 mai

À propos de moi :

I'm Dima, 41 years old, Kyiv, Ukraine.

I search language partners for

-Romanian (I'm at A1)

-German (I'm at B2-C1)

-Bulgarian (I'm at B1)

I look for not only native speakers, but as well the persons, that are studying the same language.

My native languages are Russian and Ukrainian. I speak also English (at B1), but now don't want to improve it.


Je parle :

  • russe | Maternel
  • ukrainien | Maternel

J'apprends :

  • allemand (Allemagne) | Supérieur
  • bulgare | Intermédiaire
  • roumain | Débutant